Vybrané relevantní termíny
inteligentní dopravní systémy; dopravní telematika (ITS)
intelligent transport systems
transport system in which advanced information, communication, sensor, and control technologies, including the Internet, are applied to increase safety, sustainability, efficiency, and comfort; major national initiative to improve information, communication and control technologies in order to improve the efficiency of surface transport
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
Souvisící normy:
CEN ISO TS 17427
dopravní prostředek pozemní dopravy
land transport conveyance
transport means to effect the land transport sector(s) of a cargo
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
dopravní prostředek; přeprava
vehicle or trailer used transport from one place to another
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
Souvisící normy:
ISO 24533-2
government, road or traffic authority which owns the regulatory applications
EXAMPLE Country, state, city council, road authority, government department (customs, treasury, transport), etc.
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
Souvisící normy:
ISO TS 15638-13,
ČSN ISO 15638-1
ložná jednotka
load unit
cargo transportation unit, which may be loaded on a transport means
NOTE Synonyms: package, container.
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
pozemní doprava
land transport
mode of transport that is effected using roads and railways and may in some cases include use of inland waterways
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
přepravní jednotka
transport unit
combination of the load, transport means and transport documentation
NOTE This includes the modes of transport as well as the containment or storage systems used for the dangerous goods. A transport unit is an item that is separately identified. A transport unit may include or contain other transport units, examples being a road vehicle as a transport unit and multiple pallets loaded onto the road vehicle, each pallet being its own transport unit.
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
struktura/strom lokálních dat (LDT)
local data tree
frequently updated data concept stored in the on on-board data pantry containing a collection of data values deemed essential for either a) TARV regulated application service, or b) cooperative intelligent transport systems
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
tag CSS; tag specifikované zásilky
cargo shipment-specific (CSS) tag; shipment tag
read-write tag into which data specific to a containerized cargo shipment can be stored
NOTE 1 The tag and the data uploaded in it are the responsibility of the shipper.
NOTE 2 The tag may be affixed to the container by the shipper or, per the shipper’s instructions, by the party that physically performs the loading (“stuffing”) of the container.
NOTE 3 Data capabilities are flexible and may, at the shipper’s discretion, include destination, routing, conveyance or other transportation information, cargo information (including hazardous material information, where applicable) or other trip-specific information.
NOTE 4 The tag is intended to perform reliably from the point of stuffing of the container to delivery destination, and to be removed by the consignee upon final delivery. The tag may be re-usable.
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
zařízení na straně infrastruktury (RSE)
roadside equipment
a roadside device that can supply traffic signal information to the approaching subject vehicle and may also support determination of vehicle position and heading
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy,
Varovné a kontrolní systémy ve vozidle a na pozemní komunikaci
Souvisící normy:
ISO 26684,
ISO 15638-20
intelligent transport systems
transport system in which advanced information, communication, sensor, and control technologies, including the Internet, are applied to increase safety, sustainability, efficiency, and comfort; major national initiative to improve information, communication and control technologies in order to improve the efficiency of surface transport
dopravní prostředek pozemní dopravy
land transport conveyance
transport means to effect the land transport sector(s) of a cargo
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
dopravní prostředek; přeprava
vehicle or trailer used transport from one place to another
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
Souvisící normy:
ISO 24533-2
government, road or traffic authority which owns the regulatory applications
EXAMPLE Country, state, city council, road authority, government department (customs, treasury, transport), etc.
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
Souvisící normy:
ISO TS 15638-13,
ČSN ISO 15638-1
ložná jednotka
load unit
cargo transportation unit, which may be loaded on a transport means
NOTE Synonyms: package, container.
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
pozemní doprava
land transport
mode of transport that is effected using roads and railways and may in some cases include use of inland waterways
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
přepravní jednotka
transport unit
combination of the load, transport means and transport documentation
NOTE This includes the modes of transport as well as the containment or storage systems used for the dangerous goods. A transport unit is an item that is separately identified. A transport unit may include or contain other transport units, examples being a road vehicle as a transport unit and multiple pallets loaded onto the road vehicle, each pallet being its own transport unit.
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
struktura/strom lokálních dat (LDT)
local data tree
frequently updated data concept stored in the on on-board data pantry containing a collection of data values deemed essential for either a) TARV regulated application service, or b) cooperative intelligent transport systems
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
tag CSS; tag specifikované zásilky
cargo shipment-specific (CSS) tag; shipment tag
read-write tag into which data specific to a containerized cargo shipment can be stored
NOTE 1 The tag and the data uploaded in it are the responsibility of the shipper.
NOTE 2 The tag may be affixed to the container by the shipper or, per the shipper’s instructions, by the party that physically performs the loading (“stuffing”) of the container.
NOTE 3 Data capabilities are flexible and may, at the shipper’s discretion, include destination, routing, conveyance or other transportation information, cargo information (including hazardous material information, where applicable) or other trip-specific information.
NOTE 4 The tag is intended to perform reliably from the point of stuffing of the container to delivery destination, and to be removed by the consignee upon final delivery. The tag may be re-usable.
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
zařízení na straně infrastruktury (RSE)
roadside equipment
a roadside device that can supply traffic signal information to the approaching subject vehicle and may also support determination of vehicle position and heading
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy,
Varovné a kontrolní systémy ve vozidle a na pozemní komunikaci
Souvisící normy:
ISO 26684,
ISO 15638-20
land transport conveyance
transport means to effect the land transport sector(s) of a cargo
dopravní prostředek; přeprava
vehicle or trailer used transport from one place to another
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
Souvisící normy:
ISO 24533-2
government, road or traffic authority which owns the regulatory applications
EXAMPLE Country, state, city council, road authority, government department (customs, treasury, transport), etc.
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
Souvisící normy:
ISO TS 15638-13,
ČSN ISO 15638-1
ložná jednotka
load unit
cargo transportation unit, which may be loaded on a transport means
NOTE Synonyms: package, container.
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
pozemní doprava
land transport
mode of transport that is effected using roads and railways and may in some cases include use of inland waterways
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
přepravní jednotka
transport unit
combination of the load, transport means and transport documentation
NOTE This includes the modes of transport as well as the containment or storage systems used for the dangerous goods. A transport unit is an item that is separately identified. A transport unit may include or contain other transport units, examples being a road vehicle as a transport unit and multiple pallets loaded onto the road vehicle, each pallet being its own transport unit.
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
struktura/strom lokálních dat (LDT)
local data tree
frequently updated data concept stored in the on on-board data pantry containing a collection of data values deemed essential for either a) TARV regulated application service, or b) cooperative intelligent transport systems
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
tag CSS; tag specifikované zásilky
cargo shipment-specific (CSS) tag; shipment tag
read-write tag into which data specific to a containerized cargo shipment can be stored
NOTE 1 The tag and the data uploaded in it are the responsibility of the shipper.
NOTE 2 The tag may be affixed to the container by the shipper or, per the shipper’s instructions, by the party that physically performs the loading (“stuffing”) of the container.
NOTE 3 Data capabilities are flexible and may, at the shipper’s discretion, include destination, routing, conveyance or other transportation information, cargo information (including hazardous material information, where applicable) or other trip-specific information.
NOTE 4 The tag is intended to perform reliably from the point of stuffing of the container to delivery destination, and to be removed by the consignee upon final delivery. The tag may be re-usable.
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
zařízení na straně infrastruktury (RSE)
roadside equipment
a roadside device that can supply traffic signal information to the approaching subject vehicle and may also support determination of vehicle position and heading
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy,
Varovné a kontrolní systémy ve vozidle a na pozemní komunikaci
Souvisící normy:
ISO 26684,
ISO 15638-20
vehicle or trailer used transport from one place to another
government, road or traffic authority which owns the regulatory applications
EXAMPLE Country, state, city council, road authority, government department (customs, treasury, transport), etc.
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
Souvisící normy:
ISO TS 15638-13,
ČSN ISO 15638-1
ložná jednotka
load unit
cargo transportation unit, which may be loaded on a transport means
NOTE Synonyms: package, container.
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
pozemní doprava
land transport
mode of transport that is effected using roads and railways and may in some cases include use of inland waterways
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
přepravní jednotka
transport unit
combination of the load, transport means and transport documentation
NOTE This includes the modes of transport as well as the containment or storage systems used for the dangerous goods. A transport unit is an item that is separately identified. A transport unit may include or contain other transport units, examples being a road vehicle as a transport unit and multiple pallets loaded onto the road vehicle, each pallet being its own transport unit.
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
struktura/strom lokálních dat (LDT)
local data tree
frequently updated data concept stored in the on on-board data pantry containing a collection of data values deemed essential for either a) TARV regulated application service, or b) cooperative intelligent transport systems
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
tag CSS; tag specifikované zásilky
cargo shipment-specific (CSS) tag; shipment tag
read-write tag into which data specific to a containerized cargo shipment can be stored
NOTE 1 The tag and the data uploaded in it are the responsibility of the shipper.
NOTE 2 The tag may be affixed to the container by the shipper or, per the shipper’s instructions, by the party that physically performs the loading (“stuffing”) of the container.
NOTE 3 Data capabilities are flexible and may, at the shipper’s discretion, include destination, routing, conveyance or other transportation information, cargo information (including hazardous material information, where applicable) or other trip-specific information.
NOTE 4 The tag is intended to perform reliably from the point of stuffing of the container to delivery destination, and to be removed by the consignee upon final delivery. The tag may be re-usable.
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
zařízení na straně infrastruktury (RSE)
roadside equipment
a roadside device that can supply traffic signal information to the approaching subject vehicle and may also support determination of vehicle position and heading
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy,
Varovné a kontrolní systémy ve vozidle a na pozemní komunikaci
Souvisící normy:
ISO 26684,
ISO 15638-20
government, road or traffic authority which owns the regulatory applications
EXAMPLE Country, state, city council, road authority, government department (customs, treasury, transport), etc.
ložná jednotka
load unit
cargo transportation unit, which may be loaded on a transport means
NOTE Synonyms: package, container.
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
pozemní doprava
land transport
mode of transport that is effected using roads and railways and may in some cases include use of inland waterways
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
přepravní jednotka
transport unit
combination of the load, transport means and transport documentation
NOTE This includes the modes of transport as well as the containment or storage systems used for the dangerous goods. A transport unit is an item that is separately identified. A transport unit may include or contain other transport units, examples being a road vehicle as a transport unit and multiple pallets loaded onto the road vehicle, each pallet being its own transport unit.
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
struktura/strom lokálních dat (LDT)
local data tree
frequently updated data concept stored in the on on-board data pantry containing a collection of data values deemed essential for either a) TARV regulated application service, or b) cooperative intelligent transport systems
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
tag CSS; tag specifikované zásilky
cargo shipment-specific (CSS) tag; shipment tag
read-write tag into which data specific to a containerized cargo shipment can be stored
NOTE 1 The tag and the data uploaded in it are the responsibility of the shipper.
NOTE 2 The tag may be affixed to the container by the shipper or, per the shipper’s instructions, by the party that physically performs the loading (“stuffing”) of the container.
NOTE 3 Data capabilities are flexible and may, at the shipper’s discretion, include destination, routing, conveyance or other transportation information, cargo information (including hazardous material information, where applicable) or other trip-specific information.
NOTE 4 The tag is intended to perform reliably from the point of stuffing of the container to delivery destination, and to be removed by the consignee upon final delivery. The tag may be re-usable.
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
zařízení na straně infrastruktury (RSE)
roadside equipment
a roadside device that can supply traffic signal information to the approaching subject vehicle and may also support determination of vehicle position and heading
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy,
Varovné a kontrolní systémy ve vozidle a na pozemní komunikaci
Souvisící normy:
ISO 26684,
ISO 15638-20
load unit
cargo transportation unit, which may be loaded on a transport means
NOTE Synonyms: package, container.
pozemní doprava
land transport
mode of transport that is effected using roads and railways and may in some cases include use of inland waterways
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
přepravní jednotka
transport unit
combination of the load, transport means and transport documentation
NOTE This includes the modes of transport as well as the containment or storage systems used for the dangerous goods. A transport unit is an item that is separately identified. A transport unit may include or contain other transport units, examples being a road vehicle as a transport unit and multiple pallets loaded onto the road vehicle, each pallet being its own transport unit.
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
struktura/strom lokálních dat (LDT)
local data tree
frequently updated data concept stored in the on on-board data pantry containing a collection of data values deemed essential for either a) TARV regulated application service, or b) cooperative intelligent transport systems
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
tag CSS; tag specifikované zásilky
cargo shipment-specific (CSS) tag; shipment tag
read-write tag into which data specific to a containerized cargo shipment can be stored
NOTE 1 The tag and the data uploaded in it are the responsibility of the shipper.
NOTE 2 The tag may be affixed to the container by the shipper or, per the shipper’s instructions, by the party that physically performs the loading (“stuffing”) of the container.
NOTE 3 Data capabilities are flexible and may, at the shipper’s discretion, include destination, routing, conveyance or other transportation information, cargo information (including hazardous material information, where applicable) or other trip-specific information.
NOTE 4 The tag is intended to perform reliably from the point of stuffing of the container to delivery destination, and to be removed by the consignee upon final delivery. The tag may be re-usable.
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
zařízení na straně infrastruktury (RSE)
roadside equipment
a roadside device that can supply traffic signal information to the approaching subject vehicle and may also support determination of vehicle position and heading
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy,
Varovné a kontrolní systémy ve vozidle a na pozemní komunikaci
Souvisící normy:
ISO 26684,
ISO 15638-20
land transport
mode of transport that is effected using roads and railways and may in some cases include use of inland waterways
přepravní jednotka
transport unit
combination of the load, transport means and transport documentation
NOTE This includes the modes of transport as well as the containment or storage systems used for the dangerous goods. A transport unit is an item that is separately identified. A transport unit may include or contain other transport units, examples being a road vehicle as a transport unit and multiple pallets loaded onto the road vehicle, each pallet being its own transport unit.
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
struktura/strom lokálních dat (LDT)
local data tree
frequently updated data concept stored in the on on-board data pantry containing a collection of data values deemed essential for either a) TARV regulated application service, or b) cooperative intelligent transport systems
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
tag CSS; tag specifikované zásilky
cargo shipment-specific (CSS) tag; shipment tag
read-write tag into which data specific to a containerized cargo shipment can be stored
NOTE 1 The tag and the data uploaded in it are the responsibility of the shipper.
NOTE 2 The tag may be affixed to the container by the shipper or, per the shipper’s instructions, by the party that physically performs the loading (“stuffing”) of the container.
NOTE 3 Data capabilities are flexible and may, at the shipper’s discretion, include destination, routing, conveyance or other transportation information, cargo information (including hazardous material information, where applicable) or other trip-specific information.
NOTE 4 The tag is intended to perform reliably from the point of stuffing of the container to delivery destination, and to be removed by the consignee upon final delivery. The tag may be re-usable.
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
zařízení na straně infrastruktury (RSE)
roadside equipment
a roadside device that can supply traffic signal information to the approaching subject vehicle and may also support determination of vehicle position and heading
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy,
Varovné a kontrolní systémy ve vozidle a na pozemní komunikaci
Souvisící normy:
ISO 26684,
ISO 15638-20
transport unit
combination of the load, transport means and transport documentation
NOTE This includes the modes of transport as well as the containment or storage systems used for the dangerous goods. A transport unit is an item that is separately identified. A transport unit may include or contain other transport units, examples being a road vehicle as a transport unit and multiple pallets loaded onto the road vehicle, each pallet being its own transport unit.
struktura/strom lokálních dat (LDT)
local data tree
frequently updated data concept stored in the on on-board data pantry containing a collection of data values deemed essential for either a) TARV regulated application service, or b) cooperative intelligent transport systems
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
tag CSS; tag specifikované zásilky
cargo shipment-specific (CSS) tag; shipment tag
read-write tag into which data specific to a containerized cargo shipment can be stored
NOTE 1 The tag and the data uploaded in it are the responsibility of the shipper.
NOTE 2 The tag may be affixed to the container by the shipper or, per the shipper’s instructions, by the party that physically performs the loading (“stuffing”) of the container.
NOTE 3 Data capabilities are flexible and may, at the shipper’s discretion, include destination, routing, conveyance or other transportation information, cargo information (including hazardous material information, where applicable) or other trip-specific information.
NOTE 4 The tag is intended to perform reliably from the point of stuffing of the container to delivery destination, and to be removed by the consignee upon final delivery. The tag may be re-usable.
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
zařízení na straně infrastruktury (RSE)
roadside equipment
a roadside device that can supply traffic signal information to the approaching subject vehicle and may also support determination of vehicle position and heading
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy,
Varovné a kontrolní systémy ve vozidle a na pozemní komunikaci
Souvisící normy:
ISO 26684,
ISO 15638-20
local data tree
frequently updated data concept stored in the on on-board data pantry containing a collection of data values deemed essential for either a) TARV regulated application service, or b) cooperative intelligent transport systems
tag CSS; tag specifikované zásilky
cargo shipment-specific (CSS) tag; shipment tag
read-write tag into which data specific to a containerized cargo shipment can be stored
NOTE 1 The tag and the data uploaded in it are the responsibility of the shipper.
NOTE 2 The tag may be affixed to the container by the shipper or, per the shipper’s instructions, by the party that physically performs the loading (“stuffing”) of the container.
NOTE 3 Data capabilities are flexible and may, at the shipper’s discretion, include destination, routing, conveyance or other transportation information, cargo information (including hazardous material information, where applicable) or other trip-specific information.
NOTE 4 The tag is intended to perform reliably from the point of stuffing of the container to delivery destination, and to be removed by the consignee upon final delivery. The tag may be re-usable.
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
zařízení na straně infrastruktury (RSE)
roadside equipment
a roadside device that can supply traffic signal information to the approaching subject vehicle and may also support determination of vehicle position and heading
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy,
Varovné a kontrolní systémy ve vozidle a na pozemní komunikaci
Souvisící normy:
ISO 26684,
ISO 15638-20
cargo shipment-specific (CSS) tag; shipment tag
read-write tag into which data specific to a containerized cargo shipment can be stored
NOTE 1 The tag and the data uploaded in it are the responsibility of the shipper.
NOTE 2 The tag may be affixed to the container by the shipper or, per the shipper’s instructions, by the party that physically performs the loading (“stuffing”) of the container.
NOTE 3 Data capabilities are flexible and may, at the shipper’s discretion, include destination, routing, conveyance or other transportation information, cargo information (including hazardous material information, where applicable) or other trip-specific information.
NOTE 4 The tag is intended to perform reliably from the point of stuffing of the container to delivery destination, and to be removed by the consignee upon final delivery. The tag may be re-usable.
zařízení na straně infrastruktury (RSE)
roadside equipment
a roadside device that can supply traffic signal information to the approaching subject vehicle and may also support determination of vehicle position and heading
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy,
Varovné a kontrolní systémy ve vozidle a na pozemní komunikaci
Souvisící normy:
ISO 26684,
ISO 15638-20
roadside equipment
a roadside device that can supply traffic signal information to the approaching subject vehicle and may also support determination of vehicle position and heading